Wednesday, May 4, 2016

THREEmendous Months of Motherhood

Wow! My goal was to blog more but being a mother has taken over my days trying to sneak in sleep in between feedings and being obsessed with taking pics of my lil baby boy. Well, here is the next is amazing how much he changes daily. He is developing his personality and I now know he is a morning baby but I am not a morning mama. However, when he hits me with those bright eyes and grin I cannot help but want to be up at 4 am grinning with him. Oh yea the breastfeeding thing is still going strong - although I am quitting daily - but it is the easiest in the middle of the night when he is hungry. Of course I am doing all the DON'Ts he is sleeping with me, I carry or baby wear him constantly and I do not always sleep when he sleeps hence me blogging now. I am also the googling Mom double checking that he is developing his milestones. Having him hold and grab things or simply rolling over makes my day I feel such a sense of achievement as his mother. As Mother's Day approaches I am in a different place because I have been a mother for fours years to 2 angels but somehow having my rainbow will make this weekend more monumental for me and my family. There are still days (and always will be) that I am spiritually overwhelmed and it comes out emotionally in my tears as I see faith fulfilled in Kaden's presence. At times worry creeps in that I am raising a black man in these times where Trump is a viable candidate to run our country. It is these times I go back to God and my faith believing he will lead us as we rear him in America in the 21st century. There are days I go through all these elements of spirit, worry, researching and loving (you say spoiling) him - did not know I would feel so deeply, daily. Again, I cannot praise my mother and friends that are mothers enough for their examples, listening ear but also learning that it is okay I am fallible and will make mistakes. Moreover, the team approach with the hubby has been the most rewarding lately - truly knowing we are in this tired and together. Kaden has changed our relationship, routines, sleep but mostly the depth or magnitude of love we experience because of him. Motherhood/parenting (I know cliche) truly is love.

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