Sunday, June 24, 2012


Today was a good day on this journey through loss. God continually speaks to me to go on and know that HE has a plan for my life. I am still seeking what now for my career and the next steps of my life. Yet I am confident though that God's plans for me are to prosper me which in my spirit means children. God has blessed me with great supports and even the presence enough to ask for help when this journey gets rocky. Not a day goes by without someone in my life reaching out to me or for me through prayer and God reassures me of that minute by minute. This is the way I express, lots of time through words, writing and reading. I may not confide always with spoken words it's the written words (typed) that help me release most about this journey. It is ironic that HIS word is what sustains us on our walk with HIM and now my words comfort me on this part of my journey. So, today I am full of faith, hope and expectation which is a first for me since this journey began.

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